13 meetings held with the representatives of the local self-governments;

13 meetings held with the local organisations for people with disabilities;

15 meetings held with the representatives of the political parties present in the local self-governments;

Local coalitions made with 12 local organisations for people with disabilities in the four cities;

Four “Open Forums” held in the four cities;

Four more meetings/panel discussions held together with the organisations of people with disabilities and the local officials in order to create a priority list for starting the architectonic barriers removal;

Capacities of the organisations of people with disabilities are strengthened and their members encouraged to protect their rights;

Political visibility of people with disabilities and their organisations is placed in the focus of their local authorities and communities;

Four TV programmes broadcast on the 4 cities’ local TV channels about the “Respect the Differences – Equality for All” project and its activities;

Four “Respect the Differences – Equality for All” Open Forums were also broadcast by local TV channels in the four cities;

In total 500,000 viewers that are covered by the following TV channels: in Novi Sad by Novosadska TV, in Valjevo by TV Marš, in Negotin by TV Rama, and in Novi Pazar by TV Jedinstvo and Regionalna TV, had a possibility to get informed about the problem of people with disabilities created by the barriers, about the project activities performed and the results achieved, and

A new, expanded edition of the Respect Differences – Equality for All brochure is published and distributed to all the partakers of the project and the relevant institutions and companies.