The meetings in Valjevo, Negotin, Novi Pazar and Novi Sad showed that, on the level of the local deputy groups and the representatives of the local self-governments and utility companies, there is understanding for the problem of our co-citizens that has been mainly unsolvable so far and belief that it can be solved with concrete actions at the local self-governments level.
The interlocutors expressed their satisfaction with the fact that a non-governmental organisation made efforts to solve such problem and found an efficient way to achieve the goal, with mutual cooperation, in good faith and joint forces, to remove the barriers, to show respect for legal regulations and to build a more progressive, moral and humane civil society.
Finally, the project has showed and proved that the non-governmental sector together with the competent authorities can realise solving an issue that is of everyday, vital importance to persons with disabilities in this case, which has been affirmed with the decisions made in regard to the budgets in these cities for 2012, as follows:

The amount of one million dinars was allocated within the budget of the Municipal Assembly of Negotin for 2012 to start the removal of the architectonic barriers at the public buildings and driveways.

The Budget of the City of Valjevo for 2012 envisages the funds at amount of one and a half million dinars to start the removal of the architectonic barriers at the local authorities’ buildings and driveways.

The Budget of the City of Novi Pazar for 2012 provides an amount of one million dinars to start the removal of the architectonic barriers at the public buildings for an unhindered access of persons living with disabilities.

In Novi Sad, the decision was made to create a Strategy for the Improvement of the Status of Persons with Disabilities encompassing all areas (culture, education, healthcare and social welfare) instead to have a special budget line.